Ongoing Value of the PMO

PMO Global AwardsIn light of the upcoming PMO Conference in London, UK, in June, I wanted to share some exciting information on PMO awards.

The PMO Global Awards is the PMO Global Alliance’s annual award for the most outstanding Project Management Offices in the world.

It intends to inspire organizations around the world to evolve their Project Management Offices and project management practices to achieve the best results.

Click here to find out more about PMO Global Alliance.


Locally, the Project Management South Africa or PMSA would like to introduce a PMO category as part of its Exceptional Project Management Awards programme. It will result in local recognition as well as nominations towards the Africa Region leg of the Global PMO Alliance Awards.

This programme will build on the requirements for the Global PMO Alliance Awards which examine the following components:

  • PMO’s journey
  • Client service
  • Best Practices
  • Innovation
  • Community
  • Value generation

The winners will be announced in November at the PMSA National Conference taking place from 14-16 November in Johannesburg, South Africa.

Read more about the winners here!

Renewing your PMO

Lastly, I want to refer you to a very insightful, researched article about improving the value of your PMO by Louise Worsley.
