International standardisation through ISO provides a reference framework, or a common technological language, between suppliers and their customers, which facilitates trade and the transfer of technology. Industry-wide standardisation helps to remove barriers to trade and is available to all.
ISO standards operate throughout the world in over 170 countries, in industrialised, developing and in transition, regions. ISO’s portfolio of standards provides business, government and society with practical tools for all three dimensions of sustainable and business growth development: economic, environmental and social.
We are all aware that there is a shift in how the world trades. It is also apparent that this shift in global trade is opening new doors to developing countries. What will also help greatly is the ability for all countries, all governments, and all suppliers irrespective of size, location or industry sector to compete on a level playing field.
ISO and developing countries
ISO specialist companies, such as IMSM, work with clients in developing countries, to assist them in putting in place a standardisation infrastructure to enable their products to meet requirements on an international level. In 5 simple steps your business can trade to all internationally.
ISO standards are the same throughout the world thus creating a level playing field for all nations. Emerging nations, with limited resources and fledging infrastructure, can benefit from the reservoir of knowledge that ISO represents. ISO standards are a powerful business tool organisations can utilise.
In coming years, developing countries will face intense competition and the choice of options available to businesses will be daunting. IMSM believe in offering all businesses, large or small, start up or established, the opportunity and support to become ISO certified.
International buyers are unlikely to relax their purchasing standards; therefore sourcing the right product at the right price is truly international. To aid this international trade route, the more companies adopting ISO standards, as a building block to delivering a quality product and service, the more countries, like Kenya, as a nation can compete in every market.
ISO for all
ISO Standards can provide producers who are trying to enter into business with major buyers and retailers, with invaluable tools to help make them stronger contenders. When trading with global buyers, on top of national and regional standards and technical regulations, a business now needs to comply with the internationally recognised standards that are, for the most part, imposed on them by larger companies within the supply chain.
Why ISO?
ISO Standards are considered to be one of the ways of promoting social development and environmental sustainability in global value chains.
ISO Standards can help SMEs as they are generally established to guarantee the quality and safety of the products but also often ensure satisfactory working conditions in the factories. This is seen as a positive development, encouraging SMEs to implement sustainable and corporate socially responsible (CSR) policies in the workplace.
ISO standards provide solutions and achieve benefits for almost all sectors of activity.
ISO standards make a positive contribution to the world we live in; helping to facilitate fair trade, spread knowledge, disseminate innovative advances in technology, and share good management and conformity assessment practices.
For more information about ISO standards and certification, contact IMSM, the leading consultants delivering on the implementation of ISO standards.
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