By Ashley Lipman

There are more than 3.5 billion internet users worldwide which is roughly half the earth’s population. Internet use has been steadily growing over the years but perhaps nothing has expedited global internet penetration as much as the smartphone. Priced much lower, smartphones have smashed the barrier to internet use that was caused by the prohibitive cost of laptops and desktop computers. Little wonder that in 2016, mobile internet users surpassed desktop users for the first time. That number can only be expected to grow not just due to rising penetration in developing countries but also as a result of the growing sophistication of the average smartphone that is gradually transforming into a minicomputer. Even internet users in wealthier countries are spending more time on their smartphones than their computers.
If you are involved with Mobile App Development projects, you will appreciate the rise of the mobile internet and companies’s necessity to have an excellent mobile presence. Hence, this Guide with Best Practices for App Development, is really invaluable for 2019 and beyond.
Here’s a look at some of the most important tips and tricks when building mobile apps in 2019.
1. Less is More
The move toward simplicity has revolutionized web design over the past few years. As one would expect, this trend is rapidly making its way into the mobile app space. Traditionally, developers would pack in numerous features as well as spectacular interfaces in the hope of leaving a lasting impression on users and standing out from the competition. However, there’s a growing realization that this doesn’t achieve the desired result.
First, when an app has an excessive amount of design elements, the numerous moving parts create multiple areas of potential malfunction. Second, a busy interface can make it difficult for uses to comprehend the app’s logical flow.
To avoid these pitfalls, practice building your apps from the core out. In other words, don’t think about a flashy interface from the get go. Instead, focus on building and perfecting the app’s essential function. Ensure that the processing is seamless, the backend is rock solid (details about this subject on logging would come in handy) and that the results end users expect from inputs fit down to a T.
The bells and whistles are okay to have as long as they do not overshadow or diminish the core purpose of the app.
2. Minimize End-User Workload
The purpose of an app determines what features are essential and which ones are unnecessary. Unless you are building a banking app or one handling a similarly sensitive process, chances are that you don’t need to incorporate comprehensive controls and security procedures.
A banking app may require session timeouts that force the user to sign in after a period of inactivity. Such controls would however be a needless impediment to the user experience on gaming, messaging and social media apps that are largely used for leisure and to unwind. Keep requested user inputs at the minimum. Don’t ask for information if it isn’t unnecessary.
Make the most of inline validation. That means verifying data validity as the user keys it in. For example, on a new user registration page, the validity of a password should be displayed as the user types it.
Another practical but often overlooked idea? Autocomplete. When someone downloads your app, they probably already have dozens of apps on their phone that asked them for the same registration information that your app requires. Autocomplete ensures they don’t have to fill in the same data when registering on your app.
3. Optimize Loading and Processing Speed

If your app loads slowly, you are going to repel many users. Smartphones have experienced giant leaps in processing speed and RAM size just as available internet bandwidth continues its rapid rise worldwide. Nevertheless, this advancement masks the deep variation between devices, platforms and world regions.
Ergo, when developing a mobile app, find ways to create an app that takes this diversity into consideration. As much as possible, your app should load in in under 5 seconds in the majority of environments. In addition, communicate what’s happening to take care of instances where weak connectivity or poor device specs may make faster loading impossible.
For example, show loading progress by percentage that increases at it approaches completion. You could also make it clear that the sluggish speed is due to the user’s poor connection. These measures are vital because if the user opens an app and all they see is a blank screen, they’ll assume it’s frozen and could choose to uninstall it immediately.
If you are unlucky, they’ll even leave a bad rating in the app store. This creates a vicious cycle by steadily diminishing the incentive for new users to download the app in future.
4. Test, Test and Test Again

Whether you opt for the Waterfall method or choose to go with the Agile approach, testing is an integral part of any software development technique. Yet, a remarkable number of mobile app developers either fail to test their apps or do not give testing the depth of commitment it requires.
Some coders have fallen into the bad habit of making their end users the first beta testers. While this can be an effective way of capturing glitches that escaped developers, it’s possible for one to overly rely on it to identify even the most mundane of app problems. Shoving an untested app into users’ hands can give it a terrible reputation even before it is available to the market in its final form.
Instead, create a robust testing process (automated where possible) that ensures the overwhelming majority of errors are identified well before the app is first made available to some or all end users. Test app functionality, usability, compatibility, versatility, security and everything else that will have an impact on its performance.
And do not stop testing after the app goes live. Networks, devices, platforms and user behavior are always changing so you have to ascertain that your app is still fully functional despite these changes.While the opportunities in the mobile app market are vast, the competition is also incredibly intense. If you are going to stand out from the hundreds of apps that serve a similar purpose to yours, you have to make an effort at making an unforgettable first impression. Design an app that resonates with users and delivers on what it promises. The defining trait of nearly all successful mobile apps is their ability to blend function and aesthetics.