By Sandra Azura
The aim of this article is to take a closer look at the important role that the Human Resources function has in today’s economy. Organizations that have efficient Human Resources are twice as economical as those with poor people management.
In this context, the HR professional is very important. The days when HR’s main assignment was selecting the best professionals for each position is over. Now more than ever, the HR professional needs to be aligned with the company’s business.
I have been assisting many HR professionals through coaching. A question that is frequently asked at the hiring stage is: “What can the coaching process add to the career of the HR professional?”
First, it is important to clarify what Coaching is.
Coaching is a high impact methodology applied by a specialized professional who aims to develop another person. Focusing on the solution, it is a process that looks to the present to build the future, setting aside the past.
Coaching for Human Resources professionals should be focused on identifying problems to be solved and opportunities to be grasped, while always staying focused on people’s development.
Here are 5 Coaching tips for the HR professional to note:
#1 In the Past only Learning, Focus on the Future
Focus on the solution that will enable you to find opportunities to develop skills and to succeed in the medium and long term.
We must think of today, act daily, but have attitudes that lead us forward, otherwise, you can become a stressed, unmotivated, unproductive professional, endangering your career, and that of the company you are part of.
#2 Power Communication
Because it is an efficient process of human development, coaching should always pay attention to the communication used. HR professionals are responsible for managing all parties involved in a market relationship, for brokering the company’s relationship with its employees, customers, and suppliers, which should always be done with good communication.
When people are well informed, they feel safer about the situation. Whether in a time of good or crisis, communication can counteract negative impacts and strengthen a company’s image and reputation.
#3 Train The Leaders
The leader is not created, the leader is born with qualities that make him a leader. But even those qualities need to be developed. Improving this professional to have a multidisciplinary look that can achieve team cohesion for great results, is an interesting human resources task for a company.
The leader also needs to adopt self-learning and self-knowledge to develop and become more responsible for themselves, motivating themselves to achieve high performance. Coaching is the perfect technique to help with this leadership training to be applied by HR.
The presence of the leader is what will motivate your team to seek the best results. It is he who will develop people’s competence, keeping them focused on the goals.
#4 Don’t be a Generalist HR
A modern human resources sector is one that is concerned with perfecting the processes used in its best practices. This improvement has a major impact on business and people because it builds on a business mission, vision, and values.
An analytical HR is concerned with aggregating employees around one goal. This is only possible with coaching techniques that will awaken a self-awareness that targets the present and the future.
#5 Improve Behavioral Skills
Adopting coaching is encouraging employees to leave their comfort zone. For each problem, there is always a solution that the person himself will discover from self-knowledge.
The result of this immersion itself is the improvement of employee behavioral skills, directly interfering with the company’s success.
The HR that adopts these coaching practices has solid, confident and motivated professionals ready to put the company’s goals into practice. Always keep in mind that in many cases coaching techniques, when applied by company managers, may not be as effective when applied by an outside expert.
Today the role of an HR professional is vital to the company that wants to be successful and thrive among the companies that survive the ups and downs of the economy.
Your HR professional has a key role in this process, both in the strategic aspect and in inspiring the achievement of people’s success. Do not miss the opportunity to change people’s lives through your role.
Find an infographic covering more effective management, with compliments from Zoe Talent Solutions.
About the Author:
Sandra Azura is from Zoe Talent Solutions where she works as a content writer. She creates online courses related to Business Mangament. She is part of a team who is very passionate about Management Skills and who always strives to offer professional, comprehensive information about any Business Management Skills.